Monday, April 30, 2012


At the onset of this project I had very high expectations. I always go into a video or short film knowing what I want the final product to look like, but often not realizing how unfeasible my desired result actually is. However, after finishing this project, I am happy to say the finished product is pretty close to my expectations. Some issues I have with the video include: frame rate issues (converting 60fps to 30fps turned out to be more difficult than anticipated), lighting inconstancies and issues (as even with 3 lighting kits shots came out very dark), actors not being able to hold certain positions still enough, and not having access to a track dolly system. Some accomplishments of mine however come in making up for the lack of certain pieces of equipment. The camera moves I was able to achieve with a wheeled dolly and in house stabilizer turned out to be quite effective. Continuity between shots also held up well.

All in all, I am very happy with the final product and look forward to potentially revisiting this concept in the near future.

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